Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Your name...

Alright, I came upon this site... and thought it was rather intersting as it is probably the only site that harbours anything to do with my name. Nonetheless; it does an analysis of your name... heres mine:

As children these people are happy, energetic, playful and loving. They love to tease and have fun and never take life too seriously, and this character trait carries on throughout their lives. They have the gift of the gab, and at times they can get carried away with it. They are artistic and creative but quite scattered in their efforts, and seldom finish the things they start. They are warm, friendly, and outgoing to everyone, and are strongly drawn to the opposite sex. This is a soft, loving and impressionable quality that requires encouragement, support and a strong helping hand if they are to have any degree of success in their lives. Lacking in self-discipline they must be careful that they are not influenced and drawn into the association of those who would mislead them. When disciplined into such fields as dancing, music or public speaking they can excel. They make fine entertainers. If they find themselves doing mundane or routine types of work, they become restless, unhappy and unreliable workers.

This is a quality that is not suited to heavy physical labour or to anything that requires hard work or a focus on detail. They have a sensitivity to the feelings of others, and work best in association with others, where they can help and interact on a fun and happy level. Being emotional types, they thrive on and are motivated through inspiration but, due to the lack of concentration and staying power, they most often fail to persevere in their endeavour. In their interaction with others, their accommodating natures allow them to flow into conversation with almost anyone. Their speech is so fluid that at times they can hardly stop it. Being social types they must be careful about their conversations regarding other people. This is not a deep or philosophical influence.

Physically, they are susceptible to problems affecting them in the kidneys, liver or bloodstream. They must learn to stay away from too many sweet foods or they can be affected through diabetes and other blood diseases. They are also prone to poor circulation and swollen ankles later on in life. This is an affectionate, intuitive and 'feeling' quality that depends on and works well with others. Lacking independence and individuality, these people need the proper direction and guidance if they are to succeed in life. If they are not disciplined and directed into artistic fields, they can become indulgent in their physical appetites. Their creative potential knows no bounds, but if misdirected they can become lazy and influenced by life in the fast lane.

Hmmm... the majority of it seems to be spot on. However; the kidney issue... ummm rather frieghtening if you ask me... :S

Try it out yourself... and share the results...


Keshi said...

hey WB Suga! I missed u...

That's a fair description of u is

**They make fine entertainers.

:) does this tell u something? Here we r now...entertain so keep on blogging ok :):)

na those disease info cant be 100% accurate...just a guidline..thats all...

I'll go check my illnesses like there's anything I havent got yet! :):)


Pradeep Puranik said...

WB Suga!
Lovely. I'll try it out now

Anonymous said...

This is a quiet, refined, studious, serious and very responsible quality. Nothing gets past these people. They could be very intellectual if their sensitivity and lack of expression did not cause them to become too reclusive. They have a deep love of nature and a strong artistic leaning. Their love of learning and books give them a good grasp of life, but they fail to convince others of their ideas because of a restriction in their verbal expression. Writing is something that they need to develop to clarify and express their ideas, otherwise they can suffer a great deal of misunderstanding. They feel deeply about things and must create an outlet for this depth through music, art and writing, or they will begin to doubt their own abilities. Here is a quality that is so responsible and serious that if they are not careful they can worry to the point of distraction.

Life and its mystery holds a great fascination for them. They are naturally philosophical or religious, with a deep yearning for peace and tranquillity. Nothing moves them so much as the rising moon coming over the mountain or the sun setting into the sea. They are romantics that dream of a better day and a better life away from the confusion of the business world. These people perceive more than most, either through their emotional sensitivity or because of a developed intellect. This can make life a little difficult for them because they see the flaws in others and tend to become quite judgemental. It is difficult for them to be tolerant of others. They will either point out your faults or go into a mood of silence and refuse to communicate. Unconsciously this is their way of getting even with you. Of course this is their own undoing. If they can grow intellectually and move away from their moods and reclusive tendencies, these people can excel as writers and teachers of philosophy.

They have concentration and the ability to think deeply into any subject of interest to them. This is quality of the mind has a profound potential for insight, if it can distinguish between worry and creative thought. If they do not master worry, and lapse into a world of dreams and fantasy, they can become influenced through mysticism and unreality as an escape from the crass world of materiality. These people have imagination and a profound appreciation for flowers, art, music and good literature. They have usually read more books than most people. They are very independent and must never work for others or they will be stifled. Small talk is beneath them. Their verbal expression is usually restricted to the deeper aspects of life. They are uncomfortable in crowds and usually have little to say unless the atmosphere is safe and friendly. At times fluid speech and the right word simply abandon them and they retreat into embarrassment and silence. Their weakness lies in excessive worry and susceptibility to heart, lung and bronchial problems with a shortness of breath.

Do you find any of this true bout me coz I really don't.

BTW I think its time for my suga intake again :p

Sugababee said...


The majority is a fair description lol not all ;)
LOL... im sure you've got nothing... temme what you have huh huh huh :p




Ok ok, the book part is wrong yes but ALL of it too?? hmm...

And ur suga intake huh...
Now you ought to tell me your dosage schedule, juss so i dont fall behind ;)

Keshi said...

lol Suga...I got the following bit abt my health - meaning I'll most prolly die from tension? great!

**Head tension and problems related to the generative organs are their weakness. Women can also suffer problems in childbirth.

childbirth? lol when will that be?


luvwannabefree25 said...

I tried it. It said to give up! haha... great post...

JD ;)

luvwannabefree25 said...

It said that I lacked depth and that "this lack of depth will curtail their musical and artistic expression to some degree. While true artists abandon themselves in an outward display of emotional and artistic expression, these people will always fall short of being able to completely let go. Consequently they will feel frustrated and a bit wooden when called upon to draw from the depths of their feelings. Even in conversation they grasp for words to explain themselves and their deeper thoughts but it is usually in vain." That is so funny. They obviously haven't been to my site. hahhahah...

Ekta said...

Hey neat post!
Thx for the link!-interesting!

Keshi said...

Suga I just came to say ur comment in my Friendship post really opened my eyes...Im not the only one who's hurt...u gave me a very profound msg..thanks and hugggggggggz!

Really appreciate u being there for me...


Vipul said...

The balance in these names provides poise and self-confidence. These people are always cheery, with a good sense of humour. They are generally well-liked and personable. The two aspects of their personality balance quite nicely. The first is their appreciation of music, combined with the urge to entertain and inspire others. The other side of their character opens them up to business, managing or directing the affairs of others on some level. This is an ambitious influence that needs to achieve a level of personal autonomy. They have big ideas and an appetite to match. Over-indulgence could be their main health problem. If the rest of their names are balanced there is nothing stopping these types -- they will reach their goals because of their abilities and their positive approach to life. If they are going to be happy they must become leaders in whatever they undertake. Their understanding and feeling for people is exemplary. They have a way with others that is both kind and firm.

Their love expresses through their contact with their associates. People cannot help but respond favourably to them because of their warm personalities. Only if the rest of their names were unbalanced would their negative side express as a domineering or bossy quality, and this only because they were not succeeding in their life. They must achieve a certain financial independence before they are satisfied with their efforts. They have a delightful stage presence, a confidence that comes across as if nothing could disturb them. They are at their best in front of people, whether telling a joke, singing or as speakers. They are not too emotional, so their presentation comes across in a very poised manner. Their commanding presence draws attention and their warmth creates a sympathetic connection. They are masters at using humour to disarm a potentially difficult situation. Seeing the funny side of things comes naturally to them.

If they have not developed their musical or artistic side it could express through emotional excesses, usually with food. Their intelligence and mental objectivity make them good leaders -- they do not easily become ruffled and it is beneath them to be drawn into argument. Being able to maintain this dispassionate connection with emotional types allows them to see clearly what is taking place. Their eternal optimism sees them through difficult moments. Whatever business they get into they must be the boss or they will never be totally happy. Normally this is a very balanced quality. If there is a fault it is in a preoccupation with the material plane. They have rich tastes and a wealth complex that leads them to own the best that money can buy. They are dignified and their speech is cultured and clear. While this could be a good quality for both male and female it can be a little too masculine for a woman, making her relationships with men quite competitive. This is a healthy influence but if their indulgence in rich foods is not controlled they will suffer from liver or generative disorders.

Anand said...

hey Suga!
Saw my description as well...didn't find it very accurate for me though..
thanks for visiting my response to The Wife's ideal partner is up on sale!

Mr. J said...

It gave me the same kidney shit again... but for the others.. *not again.

How yu doing Suga.


Sudarshan said...

Hahah..that's funny lol..I got a huge description too..nice link:-)

Princess said...


I just came through your blog.
Nice one.
Do visit my blog.

luvwannabefree25 said...

What happened to you? You fell off the face of the Earth! Waiting for more stuff.... ;)

Ekta said...

time for post change....hibernation period over!

Princess said...

Thanx for visiting my space.

Yes, we all got lots of things to learn.