Monday, December 25, 2006

I'm loving you.
While mad and confused.
Scared and hoping,that I can break through.
Break through to my life,
so strange as it seems.
Looking around and wanting to scream.
Tears start to fall,as I start to break down.
Thinking of life,and how it let me down.
But then I turn around,and start to run.
Run far away,
down deep in my heart.
I start to ache,
and my throat just won't clear.
I'm in such pain,
but still it's clear.
While looking in your eyes,
I find some hope.
But I always choke.
And fall again.
Will this pain ever end?
I don't know,
but hope to find out.
All I know is my time is running out.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

Global warming is an issue that the entire world will feel the repercussions of if we don’t act now. Our world is soon to be gone and only we can stop it. I got a chance to watch AN INCONVENEIENT TRUTH last night and I think that everyone should definitely take it upon themselves and make themselves as well as the people around them aware of this pivotal issue that we face. In our lifetime, we have the opportunity to save our world and leave behind a place for our children to flourish in or we can go on about our daily lives and think of all this as an inconvenient truth only to drown our Earth.

Pick up the movie An Inconvenient Truth or visit the site . Don’t be ignorant to the one thing that is diminishing our world.