Saturday, April 15, 2006


The other day my housemate and I were just talking about people and how we react to one another. More about how we, as humans, are to an extent selfish, jealous, unkind etc etc... As we all inhibit these traits be it to an extreme degree or not. Now he was telling me about this quote that he had come across by Mother Teresa and it goes as follows:

"People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway. Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway."

When reading this I thought it was absolutely amazing. Not just due to the nature of this quote but that there in fact is an individual amongst us who lives in such a fashion. I mean it seems almost inhuman, as much as we hate to admit, to lead a life as such...

Anywho., just wanted to share this great quote with you and get your thoughts on it. Is it actually something that is extremely unattainable in life or is it just thought to be so because we have lived under such a standard for such a long time? Is this much purity within an individual, with the exception of Mother Teresa, even attainable?


Mr. J said...

If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Do good anyway

That is the most difficult thing to maintain.

Anand said...

There are soo many contradictions in it...easy to understand but I believe extremely difficult to implement and probably thats why there is only one mother teresa amongst us all!

Ekta said...

Well nice one...but personally to me it seems too ambitious and idealistic...dunno if I can ever reach this state!

Keshi said...

I have seen that quote b4 Suga...amazing indeed! While I can never compare myself with someone as divine as Mother Theresa, I know we can try...ppl can interprit u in so many different ways, but it's upto u to see what's right and wrong and live life to the fullest while helping others...


Ajay said...

yeah true.....
its tough to be good buddy

Sugababee said...

Im not saying Mother Teresa was perfect... but she did carry one many if not all of those things in the quote and do such a thing is indeed a task. And lol... i can be one?? I wishh!

This is so true. We let what people feel and how they react to us effect us in such a great way, so much so that we change our own actions accordingly.

Oh yes... well its easier said then done for sure... but is it truely something unattainable?

LoL... i dont think i can either Ekta... but we juss fine the way we are naahh! :D

It's so true. We live in paradigms a great deal and we succumb to them as well... juss try to do your own thing with proper intentions... its a deff. chalange...

LOL... Mr. Selfish!!! :p

lol.. tough to be good? hmmm... so we all naturally bad??
Thanks for visiting btw:)

Raj said...

I personally believe when you make "giving" a habit,i think anyone can lead a content life :)

SeePearrl said...

Voww thats absolutely great Quote!
And Mother theresa has lived by those lines! Great lady!

I can go on on about her....but still that would be less..

Nice blog :)

Anonymous said...

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